
Considering Medicare Long-Term Coverage
What is long-term care?
Generally, most Long-term care is not considered medical care. Long-term care is also referred to as “custodial care”. Helping with basic personal everyday life tasks sometimes called daily living activities can be considered Long-term care. Activities such as bathing, dressing, using the bathroom, adult day health care, meal preparation and more.
People who have a disability or chronic illness receiving non-medical and medical care may benefit from Long-term care.
What does Medicare cover for long-term care?
Long-term care is generally not covered by Medicare and most health insurance including Medicare Supplement Insurance (Medigap). Medicaid may provide long-term care if you are eligible. You can buy private long-term care insurance.
Medicare may cover a skilled nursing facility (SNF) stay after being in the hospital
For a limited time (short-term basis), Medicare Part A (Hospital Insurance) may cover skill nursing facility care when certain conditions apply.
Long-term care insurance
If qualified, a patient can purchase a long-term care insurance plan. Long-term insurance plans may provide financial reimbursements to assist in paying for custodial care including bathing, eating and getting dressed.
Medicaid may cover some of the cost of long-term care. This may include services at nursing facilities and at home. Medicaid may provide some coverage for both medical care and custodial care. In order to be eligible, patients will generally meet specific requirements that differ state by state.