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Equity Health & Life Insurance Solutions

Providing excellent marketing support and professional training you need.

Experience increased Medicare Sales with unparalleled support and training. 

Our mission is to provide personalized guidance and unwavering support to our valued customers.  We understand that each individual has unique needs, and we are committed to tailoring our services to meet those specific requirements.  We focus on building enduring relationships; we aim to create peace of mind by offering the best insurance solutions possible.

We are here to empower our agents with the best training, unparalleled marketing support, and comprehensive contracting resources in the health and life insurance industry.  By equipping our team with the knowledge, tools, and guidance they need, we strive to elevate their success and ensure our clients receive top-tier service.  Together, we build a stronger, healthier future for all.

Professional, Experienced and Informed

25 years of Medicare and Life Insurance experience.

In-depth guidance, service and support.


Equity Health & Life is ready to answer your questions.  Contact us today for a comprehensive review of your health care needs.

Equity Health & Life Insurance

T H E   E H L I - S   A D V A N T A G E

Equity Health & Life Insurance is constantly developing new programs that help agents and agencies grow their business and outperform desired goals.

Insurance agents can expect continued opportunities from our newly formed alliances along with continuous support.

EHLI-S is constantly building partnerships with insurance carriers providing a unique position for you.


Equity Health & Life Insurance exceeds

M E D I C A R E   L E A D S

Provide support in creating leads by assisting agents pursue online and in-person events.  Many programs are designed to better address each agent’s preferences and individual schedules.

C O N S T A N T   T R A I N I N G 

The agent will be given the opportunity to learn more about the Medicare marketplace through various training programs.

Online and in-person training allow the agent to review what strategies other successful agents in the industry are implementing to achieve goal.

M A R K E T I N G  M A T E R I A L S

We can provide you with personalized marketing materials in order to establish a good first impression when you ever you meet potential clients.

Medicare Articles

Medicare Insurance Coverage Considerations

Part D Drug Coverage 

Plans generally cover a wide range of prescription drugs that people with........

Medicare Advantage Plan

When choosing a Medicare Advantage Plan, be aware of the different cost-sharing.....

Medicare and Hospitalization

Medicare Part A (Hospital Insurance) covers inpatient hospital stays, care in a skilled......

Medicare and Long-Term Care

Most long-term care is not considered medical care.  Instead, it is called custodial.....

Medicare vs. Medicaid: 

Medicare is a Federal Program generally for people who are 65 or older or have a.....

Low-Income Individuals 

Get help from your state paying your Medicare Part A (Hospital Insurance)....

Medicare Health Insurance

Learn about Medicare Health Plans

Life Insurance

Learn about Different Life Insurance Plans

Individual Health Insurance

Learn about Individual Health Plans

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